The Faculty of Geo-sciences’ students were trained in Instrumental Geological Methods for Exploration of Useful Minerals
As part of the project, “EIT Raw Material IncluESEE” at the Faculty of Geosciences (FGJ) – Department of Geology in two phases lectures and training on Geological research methodologies and use of laboratory equipment were conducted. Participants were students of the Department of Geology and staff of the Geological Service of Kosovo. The project was implemented by various partners such as AGH University Krakow, Poland; University of Tromso, Norway; Geological Survey of Finland; Geological Survey of Slovenia; Pluto Investment AG, Switzerland; PROXIS Sp. z o.o., Poland.
The first phase included the field section where students had the opportunity to learn sampling techniques, identifying areas and describing them. The second phase involved the analysis and the use of their experimental techniques.
For the techniques, which the Faculty of Geosciences does not yet possess, they made a virtual presentation where the techniques were demonstrated directly from Norway, and the students looked at how to analyze and derive the results. Upon completion of the project, all students participating in the training were certified.