Rector Musaj: Professors to cooperate with students in adhering to COVID-19 safeguards

Dear colleagues, professors and assistants,

The COVID-19 pandemic is having a huge impact worldwide, and consequently on us. In the next two weeks, defining the situation as really serious puts us under obligation to act.

In line with the mission we have chosen to have as a profession, we can and should offer our social contribution to make it easier to overcome this situation.

As teachers, we understand that the best way to help now is to be there for our students and their families, to offer as much advice, safe practices, to listen to our students, and to be together in overcoming this situation.

Spend the first 5-10 minutes of each lecture providing safe information, ask students to share instructions or just listen to them, motivate them to set priorities in these challenging days where maintaining health for them and their families and comply with guidelines and decisions by the competent authorities should be a priority.

Using time to study turns this time into quality time. Please give students more time in your online meetings and organize online conversations on issues of interest to them.

We express our conviction that together as a community and society we will also meet this challenge.

With respect,

Prof. Dr. Alush Musaj, rector.