The foundations of the studies of the Faculty of Law were laid with the opening of the University of Mitrovica “Isa Boletini” in Mitrovica on 06.03.2013.

The Faculty of Law of the University of Mitrovica “Isa Boletini” was established on 04.07.2014, with the decision no. 548/14, dated 04.07.2014, issued by the State Council for Quality of the Kosovo Accreditation Agency, respectively with the decision which improves the preliminary decision no. 165115, dated 17.03.2015.

It was re-accredited by Decision no. 535/2017, dated 06.07.2017 by the State Quality Council, for the 3-year period.

Meanwhile, with Decision no. 465 / 18D, dated 18.05.2018 of the State Council for Quality (CSC) of the Kosovo Accreditation Agency, the accreditation period has been extended for 1 (one) year, until 30 (thirty) September 2021.

Based on the necessary need for the organization and development of higher education according to the standards and criteria of European Universities and beyond, the Faculty of Law in Mitrovica within the University “Isa Boletini” in Mitrovica proposes the model of studies reformed according to plans and programs based on the recommendations of the Bologna Declaration.

Initially, studies in this program were organized in one direction (General Law) for 7 (seven) semesters, and in the semester 8 (eight) allowing students to be profiled in any of these modules:

  • Administrative and constitutional law,
  • Criminal law,
  • Civil law,
  • The international law,
  • Financial law.


Law/ Bsc (240 ECTS)

While, with Decision no. 535/2017, dated 06.07.2017 by the State Quality Council, for the 3-year period, the studies in this program are organized in one direction (General Law) for 7 (seven) semesters, and in the semester of 8 (eight) allow students to be profiled in any of these modules:

  • Public right;
  • Private law.


Law/ Bsc (240 ECTS)

The regular staff at the Faculty of Law consists of : 1 Full Professor, 2 Associate Professors, 5 Assistant Professors, 5 Doctors of Science, 1 Lecturer and 1 Teaching Assistant.

The Faculty of Law has cooperation with international university institutions and the national level.

The Faculty of Law organizes trainings in the field of Criminal, Administrative and Civil Legal Clinic. Since the establishment of the Faculty of Law, the students of the Criminal Legal Clinic of our faculty in competitions at the Republican level in the Simulated Trial once (Year 2017) have taken second place, as well as twice (Years 2018 and 2019) first place, in competition with all law faculties of public universities of the Republic of Kosovo.