
Interactive Lecture on the Role and Duties of the Tax Administration of Kosovo at UIBM’s Faculty of Economics

Within the framework of the Public Finance course curriculum, officials from the Tax Administration of Kosovo were invited to give a lecture at the Faculty of Economics, UIBM. On this occasion, Mr. Zeqir Voca, the Head of the Division for Support Services, and Ms. Albulena Tahiri Kelmendi, a Tax Inspector, spoke about the history, role, and duties of the Tax Administration of Kosovo. In addition to being informative, the lecture also aimed to raise awareness about the fight against the informal economy and the reporting of abuses. The lecture was interactive and sparked great interest among the students, who asked questions and engaged in discussions.

F.ekonomik 11
F.ekonomik 11
F.ekonmik 12
F.ekonomik 11F.ekonmik 12