
The training ‘Play based learning’ takes place at UIBM.

In the framework of the activities to complete the third pillar of UIBM’s mission, community service, the “Play based learning” training was held for three days in the premises of the Faculty of Education. Educators from preschool institutions that work with children up to 6 years old participated in the training. In the training, theoretical and practical ideas and perspectives were shared from experience on how play affects different levels of development in children. The conversation about the benefits of the play, the play directed by the children and by the educator, the practical tips for the implementation of play-based learning, the role of the educator in this process and the strategies to strengthen this approach was developed with interest. Educators were also introduced to the Foleja application developed by the Unicef ​​Kosovo Program, and which they were recommended to share with the parents of children for the use of a lot of important information for the well-being of children. The training was offered by the professor of the Faculty of Education Prof. Assoc. Merita Shala, within the framework of voluntary contribution to the community. This training was organized by the Center for the democratization of civil society “Koralet” and was carried out with the support of Unicef ​​Mitrovica Zone Office. The whole activity was developed under the spirit of continuous cooperation of the Faculty of Education with service providers in early education and educational institutions.