
The Dean Qerimi in the Role of Visiting Professor at the University of Warsaw

 The Dean of the Faculty of Law at “Isa Boletini” University in Mitrovica, Prof. Assoc. Dr. Islam Qerimi, was invited by the Dean of the Faculty of Political Science and International Relations at the University of Warsaw, Prof. Dr. hab. Daniel Przastek, to serve as a visiting professor from July 23, 2024, to August 1, 2024. This opportunity was offered by the University of Warsaw.

During his stay, Professor Qerimi participated in a series of presentations on international legal topics at the Seventh Global International Studies Conference. He also closely followed the academic activities of Prof. Dr. Marta Witkowska, who is the Editor of the academic journal Przegląd Europejski, European Studies Quarterly, where Professor Qerimi is a member of the editorial board and an author of several scholarly articles.

During this period, he also met with the Undersecretary of the Minister of Higher Education and Science of Poland, Prof. Dr. hab. Andrzej Szeptycki. A significant aspect of his visit was focusing on advancing negotiations to establish cooperation agreements between the Faculty of Law at UIBM and the Faculty of Political Science and International Relations at the University of Warsaw. In discussions held with the Dean of this Faculty, Prof. Dr. hab. Daniel Przastek, the Vice Dean Dr. hab. Jakub Zajączkowski, and representatives from the Office for International Cooperation, an agreement was reached to begin drafting a cooperation plan that is expected to be formalized soon. Additionally, the option of expanding cooperation between the universities was discussed, with the aim of promoting academic and research exchanges.

At the conclusion of his stay and upon receiving his certificate as a visiting professor, Dean Qerimi thanked Prof. Dr. hab. Daniel Przastek, Vice Dean Dr. hab. Jakub Zajączkowski, and the academic and administrative staff of the Faculty for organizing the academic activities. He also extended special thanks to Prof. Dr. Marta Witkowska, who had initiated the invitation for his participation as a visiting professor.