Academic Staff of the Faculty of Education at the Conference “Best Teaching Practices: Experiences and Perspectives for the Future”
On November 1 and 2, 2024, the academic staff of the Faculty of Education participated in the conference “Best Teaching Practices: Experiences and Perspectives for the Future,” organized by the Municipal Directorate of Education in collaboration with CMG “Consulting and Management Group” at UIBM. This event served as a platform for sharing experiences and new ideas that contribute to the improvement of teaching practices.
During the plenary session, attendees were welcomed by the Chairwoman of the Municipal Assembly of Mitrovica, Ms. Vesa Broja, while the Director of Education in the Municipality of Mitrovica, Ms. Drita Kadriu, officially opened the conference. She expressed her gratitude and wished success to all participants in sharing practices and experiences for the benefit of the educational community. The plenary session also featured a presentation by Prof.asoc.dr. Merita Shala, who shared her insights on the challenges and future perspectives in education, presenting a study titled “Early Education and Its Impact on Future Academic Skills: Comparative Results from PISA 2018 and 2022 for Kosovo.” This study revealed that participation in early education is a key factor in later student achievements, exploring its impact on trends in reading, mathematics, and science results.
The first session of the conference, led by the Dean of the Faculty of Education, Prof.ass.dr. Samire Bllaca Balaj, laid a solid foundation for further discussions focusing on early education, innovation in teaching, and the role of leadership in improving student outcomes.
On the first day of the conference, there was also a presentation on the impact of outdoor play-based learning, which helps reduce reliance on technology and mitigate the natural deficit. Ass.dr. Leonora Çarkaj emphasized the importance of this approach in raising ecological awareness among children, encouraging them to explore and develop social and emotional skills. Outdoor learning makes the educational process more engaging and effective, fostering curiosity and creativity, while also improving the physical and emotional health of children.
On the second day of the conference, Ass. Hatixhe Gashi and Ass. Arbesa Uka led important presentation sessions. Ass. Hatixhe Gashi presented the paper “Challenges of Beginning Teachers and the Need for Mentorship,” highlighting the importance of support for novice educators. This paper offers strategies and methods to help them cope with initial career challenges, contributing to the improvement of quality in education. On the other hand, Ass. Arbesa Uka presented the paper “Investigation of Magnetoencephalography Recordings through SPM: Paired t-test Analysis between Audiovisual Covariance and Activation of Brain Regions.” This paper underscores the importance of teaching techniques that incorporate multisensory integration, enhancing the learning process for students. The integration of multiple sensory experiences is essential for creating a more effective and engaging learning environment.
The participation of the academic staff in this conference demonstrates the Faculty of Education’s commitment to advancing teaching practices and contributing to the ongoing development of education in the region.