Accreditation Process

 Accreditation is a formal and transparent quality control procedure, during which an independent body certifies based on defined, internationally recognized standards, whether higher education institutions or study programs meet the minimum quality requirements.

Accreditation procedures decide on the status and recognition of institutions and study programs for a certain period of time. Accreditation in the field of higher education provides the society and all stakeholders involved with assurance that the quality of teaching and study meets the minimum international standards. At the same time, accreditation increases the level of transparency in the increasingly unclear market of national and international education offerings.

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The external evaluation at UIBM, as well as for all HEIs in Kosovo, is aligned with the policies established by the Kosovo Accreditation Agency and the development policies of the state. UIBM complies with all the procedure, regulation and norms determined by KAA and SCQ.

Also, UIBM has the regulation on preparation procedures for institutional re/accreditation and study programs at UIBM which facilitates the process of external quality assurance. In accordance with the Law on Higher Education of the Republic of Kosovo No. 04/L-037, Administrative Instruction on the Accreditation of Higher Education Institutions 15/18, and the Accreditation Manual of the KAA, the KAA will organize the post-accreditation procedures as well as the monitoring procedures of the higher education institutions and their study programs.


DocumentDateBrowse pdf
Self Evaluation Report- Mining Bsc2022PDF
Self Evaluation Report- Mining Msc2022PDF
Self Evaluation Report- Mineral Deposits Msc2021PDF
Self Evaluation Report01.2023PDF
Regulation on the preparation procedures for institutional re/accreditation and study programs at UIBM07.11.2021PDF
Methodology on monitoring and post-accreditation02.2022PDF