CALL FOR PAPERS International Interdisciplinary Conference: “Social institutions in Contemporary Society”
International Interdisciplinary Conference: “Social institutions in Contemporary Society”
[The Interaction between Education, Family, Religion, Politics, and Economy]
Deadline for Abstracts submission: 30 September 2019; 24.00 GMT
Deadline for Special and Joint Sessions: 15 September 2019; 24.00 GMT
and on Twitter:
University Aleksander Moisiu of Durres, ALBANIA
Albanian Sociological Association – Albanian Institute of Sociology
(14th Annual International Conference)
University of Mitrovica “Isa Boletini”, KOSOVO
Confronti Study Center, Roma, ITALY
International Sociological Association (ISA)
Place & Time:
University Aleksander Moisiu of Durres, Albania: New Campus
15-16 November 2019
Conference themes:
I. Central Theme: “Social institutions in Contemporary Society”
II. Other themes by 15 permanent Thematic Sections (TS01-TS15):
TS01. Public sphere, Communication, Culture & Art
TS02. Population and Migration
TS03. Education and Sport
TS04. Political Studies and Law Issues
TS05. Religion, Collective Behaviour and Social Movements
TS06. Marriage, Family and Community
TS07. Integration and Globalization
TS08. Childhood, Youth and Gender
TS09. Work, Professions and Organization
TS10. Theoretical, Comparative, Regional and Historical Studies
TS11. Deviance, Criminology, Public Health and Security
TS12. Ethnic Relations, Nationalism, Human Rights
TS13. Environment, Economy and Development
TS14. Science, Technology and Innovation
TS15. Student’s Section: Continuity and Change on Student’s Perspective
Registration fee:
Unable to cover the costs of the conference with sponsorship, a participation fee will be applied, with a small differentiation to the category of countries.
The fee of participation, by the Category of the Countries in:
1. Proceedings (Program and Abstracts Book, organizers, plenary sessions, thematic sessions, Index Presenters etc.);
2. In Special Issue of the International Scientific Journal “Social Studies” (ISSN2309-3455, print)
How to present a paper?
1. Choose the Session (Thematic Sections: ST01 – ST15) to which you wish to participate;
2. Fill out the Abstract Submission Form and submit to the Conference Secretary. Please don’t submit more than two abstracts for the entire conference. In case when two abstracts are submitted those must not refer to a single Thematic Section;
3. Wait for the confirmation of abstract receipt; those who do not receive confirmation within 10 days should contact the secretary of the conference: conference@sociology.al
4. Wait for the Acceptance Letter;
5. Contact with Secretary of the conference for the registration procedures;
6. Take the confirmation of the registration.
How to Submit Abstracts Online
Go to: https://www.sociology.al/en/conferences/call-papers
Click: Conferences – Call for papers – Online abstracts submission”
Select a Thematic Session (1-15)
Fill out the Paper Proposal Form/ Abstract Submission Form & Submit
Secretary of the conference:
Matilda LIKAJ, Department of Sociology, FE-UAMD
Enkelejda CENAJ, Department of Sociology, FE-UAMD
Elda KUTROLLI, Albanian Institute of Sociology (AIS)
E-mail: durres.conf2019@gmail.com
E-mail: conference@sociology.al
We are looking forward to meeting you in Durres, Albania in November 2019!