DualAFS aims for better employability of graduates, knowledge and innovation capacity in agriculture and livestock sciences and improved competitiveness of the agriculture and food business to gain better income in the future. Long term, the aim is to bring prosperity in the remote and rural regions of AL and RKS.

DualAFS develops the students’ and other beneficiaries’ knowledge in agriculture, livestock and animal-source product (food) quality and safety. DualAFS internationalizes the education in agriculture, fosters innovations and builds solid bridges and pathways between the stakeholders on different levels. DualAFS also improves the openness of higher education through innovative digital educational materials and supporting the availability of education.

To contribute to this, DualAFS will

  1. develop two innovative model Bachelor curricula, integrating practice accessibility and interactive digital e-learning tools and materials:

– Dual BA curricula on Animal Husbandry and Animal-source Food Safety at AUT;

– Dual BA curricula on Agribusiness at UoK;

  1. rise the working life relevance of education by intensified practical training and co-creation of dual study programs with non-university partners from agribusiness, animal production and food safety;
  2. develop Lifelong Learning capacities and offers in HEIs departments;
  3. develop E-learning tools for knowledge transfer.

Fore more information on this project, please click here.

Meeting Within The DualAFS Project For Working Packages WP2 And WP4

Meeting within the DualAFS project for working packages WP2 and WP4

On 15.03.2021 at the Faculty of Agriculture - UP was held the meeting organized by…

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FFT Holds A Meeting For The Realization Of The DualAFS Project Within The Program Of The European Union Erasmus +

FFT holds a meeting for the realization of the DualAFS project within the program of the European Union Erasmus +

The first meeting of the working group of the Faculty of Food Technology(FFT) for the…

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UIBM Part Of An ERASMUS + Food Safety Project

UIBM part of an ERASMUS + food safety project

The Executive Agency for Education and Culture of the European Commission has signed a grant…

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