Jur 3

Empowering Tomorrow’s Leaders: An Inspiring Session with a United States Law Enforcement Expert!

On May 2, 2024, our students had the incredible opportunity to engage with United States Embassy’s, Department of Justice – International Criminal Investigative Training Assistance Program (DOJ-ICITAP) Attaché Kimberly Riffe in a thought-provoking discussion with the Mitrovica Law Faculty ‘Isa Boletini”. Attaché Riffe spoke about ICITAP’s contribution to enhancing skills within the Kosovo Police (KP) and the Police Inspectorate of Kosovo (PIK), and underscored the crucial roles these agencies play in safeguarding our nation’s safety.

Attache Riffe shared her extensive 39-year experience in both domestic and international law enforcement and inspired our young adults to advocate for positive change in Kosovo, emphasizing the importance of ethical standards and personal principles in any profession.

The dialogue was dynamic, with students raising various questions and sharing comments on topics such as domestic violence, police reporting, proactive citizenship, and career paths in the criminal justice field.

We extend our gratitude to DOJ-ICITAP Attaché Riffe for their enlightening session, empowering our students to make a difference in our community.

Let’s continue to strive for progress and excellence together!


Prof. Assoc. Dr. Islam Qerimi

Dean of the Law Faculty