Mitrovica student produces cheese from whey
Petrit Idrizi has disproved the popular saying, at least the second part of it, that “Oatmeal does not become barbecue and dairy whey”. As a master’s student at the Faculty of Food Technology (FTU) at the University of Mitrovica “Isa Boletini” (UMIB), he has managed to produce whey cheese and thereby defended his diploma thesis entitled “Technology Assessment” of cheese-whey ”. Idrizi states that the idea for this was born during his stay at a university in the Netherlands, under the Erasmus + program. “With a group of students while staying in the Netherlands we started an experiment to make whey cheese and the professors were amazed at the presentation of our work.” According to him, the presentation was highly appreciated by the professors there and this encouraged him to continue this project even after returning to UMIB. Idrizi points out that this was something new about the nature of the research work being done at the Faculty of Food Technology (FTF), but has found support from the teachers and in this case from the mentor, Prof. Alush Musaj. Although the FTF laboratories lack some of the equipment needed for this type of production, he has succeeded in doing his research and producing whey cheese. It shows that this has awakened curiosity among students as well, as no such experiment has ever been conducted in Kosovo. An important fact scientifically, is that the cheese produced has been microbiologically analyzed and is within normal parameters. “As such, this product is ready for market,” he says. From the information he has requested, this type of cheese is produced and sold in the Scandinavian countries, where 1 kilo is sold for 20-30 euros. According to him, the cheese made from whey is red, has no salt and is preferably used in the morning. In terms of composition, he says, it has carbohydrates, protein and iodine. “It’s good especially for those who are involved in fitness because it strengthens and increases muscle mass.” As for the idea for this type of cheese to be produced by the dairy industry in Kosovo, Idrizi points out that there is no serious project yet, as a market study is needed initially. However he already has the recipe ready and is expecting the interest of the industry so that in Kosovo too there will be cheese and whey production, as in the developed Scandinavian countries.