Students participate on the lecture “The Role and Importance of Customs in the Collection of Public Revenues”
On May 17, 2023, second-year students held a lecture with Guest Lecturer in the Public…
Prof.assoc.dr. John McArdle and prof.assoc.dr. Esat Durguti lecture to the students of the Faculty of Economics
Today, within the Faculty of Economics, first-year students have held lectures in the Principles of…
The professor of the Faculty of Economics – UIBM, Prof.Ass.Dr. Filloreta Kunoviku Demiri held a lecture with prof.dr. John McArdle from the Bertolon School of Business
Professor of the Faculty of Economics - UIBM, Prof.Ass.Dr. Filloreta Kunoviku Demiri held a joint…
Students of the Faculty of Economics, today had the opportunity to attend a lecture by Elena Ilievska Gjorevska
Organized by the management of the Faculty of Economics, FE students of UIBM today had…