Three students of Food Engineering and Technology benefit from mobility within the Erasmus+ DualAFS Project
Within the Erasmus+ DualAFS project, three students of the Faculty of Food Technology at University…
The Vice-Rector for Teaching, Student Affairs, and Quality Development at University Isa Boletini Mitrovica visited the Kindergarten “Gëzimi ynë” in Mitrovica
In the framework of the intensification of University-Labour market cooperation, Vice-Rector Merita Shala accompanied by…
Burhan Kavaja, former student of the Technical High School, with index number 1, visited UIBM
Rector of University "Isa Boletini" in Mitrovica (UIBM), prof.dr. Alush Musaj welcomed the former student…
The information day for the projects and scholarships of the Erasmus+ program is held
In the premises of the University "Isa Boletini" Mitrovica, an informative day about the projects…