“Training for writing scientific papers / articles” was held
On 11 - 13 April 2022, was organized "Training for writing papers / scientific articles",…
QATEK has opened the call for the forthcoming publication “Innovative practices and quality assurance in initial teacher education”.
QATEK has opened the call for the forthcoming publication "Innovative practices and quality assurance in initial teacher…
Teacher leadership, teacher’s role in school improvement and supporting students’ development and effective learning – the next workshop from the QATEK project takes place
Professors and assistants of the Faculty of Education, in the framework of the activities envisaged…
Rector Musaj participated in the public hearing on the Draft Law on the Kosovo Accreditation Agency
Rector of the University "Isa Boletini" in Mitrovica, prof.dr. Alush Musaj, participated on Wednesday in…