Signing of partnership agreement in the “DualAFS” project
Faculty of Food Technology (FTU) at the University "Isa Boletini" in Mitrovica (UIBM), has started…
Two Doctors of Science are added to the University “Isa Boletini”- Mitrovica
The professor of the Faculty of Economics, Filloreta Demiri, on 27.04.2021, has successfully defended her…
UIBM comes second after UP in terms of “Academic integrity, scientific publication and justification of academic titles”
"Isa Boletini" University in Mitrovica (UBIM) is ranked second after the University of Prishtina, in…
UIBM students are invited to participate in this year’s edition of the United Nations Global Model (GMUN), which will be held July 7-9, 2021 (online)
The United Nations Global Model (GMUN) is an annual event (held entirely in English) that…