A simulation of the re-accreditation process was organized
Management, teachers, students and staff from the administration of the University of Mitrovica “Isa Boletini” (UMIB) have become part of a joint simulation with experts in the field of accreditation. Although the simulation was split into groups, they all stayed together in the room to create a realistic overview of the preparations that were made with regard to the re-accreditation process.
The Rector of UMIB, Alush Musaj, thanked all those who became part of the commitments in this process. “There is an enormous amount of work being done to create a consistent UMIB system in terms of quality and other aspects.”
Following the event, a joint meeting of experts and rector was held, where the course of the simulation was discussed. Overall, it was assessed that good steps have been taken in terms of aspects related to accreditation, but that there is a need for a fluent and practical system.