The conference: “Safety of food products during the COVID-19 pandemic in Kosovo” was held online
The Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center in collaboration with the Faculty of Food Technology (FTU) at the University of Mitrovica “Isa Boletini” (UMIB), have organized the online conference: “Safety of food products during the COVID-19 pandemic in Kosovo”. The director of this center, Besart Hajrizi, said that the main purpose of this conference was to discuss and provide information on the safety of food products during the COVID-19 pandemic, but also the operation of manufacturing and non-manufacturing companies in these circumstances.
The rector of UMIB, Alush Musaj, said that this conference provides the university with the concerns of society in this time of pandemic. As a food expert, Musaj spoke about microorganisms, how they work, and the importance of hygiene in food storage and preparation.
Valdet Gjinovci, director of the Food and Veterinary Agency, also participated in the conference. He spoke about the measures that have been taken to prevent the pandemic caused by COVID-19. “Based on the reports of the European Food Safety Authority, there is no scientific evidence that food is a source or carrier of the human virus.”
Gani Durmishi, chairman of the Association of Milk Processors, said that dairy farmers have a tradition regarding hygiene measures. He said that measures have been taken for the training of workers and farmers in the stables for milk hygiene. “Our products are safe and citizens should not be worried about the quality”.
Meanwhile, Dafina Llugaxhiu, assistant at FTU, said that the problem with the COVID-19 virus is that it survives in different spaces, therefore it is very important to maintain hygiene and the measures that have been advised by the relevant institutions. She also spoke about the approach that food companies should have, first of all for workers.
The dean of FTU, Milaim Sadiku, at the end of the conference, evaluated the presentations by the panelists. As recommendations, he mentioned that food products are not contaminated by COVID-19, the pathogen can be spread from one person to another but not from animals, hence the observance of hygienic-sanitary measures, etc.