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The Faculty of Economics -UIBM held the next meeting towards the finalization of the Self-Evaluation Report (SER)

In the ongoing process for the preparation of the SER, the working group of the Faculty of Economics holds continuous meetings for the re-accreditation process.

The meeting was invited by the Dean of the Faculty of Economics, Prof. Assoc. Dr. Qazim Tmava, while moderated by Prof. ass. dr. Filloreta Kunoviku Demiri, Vice Dean for Teaching and Quality Development.

The participants were the majority of the staff of the academic unit, where each of them gave a valuable contribution, so that this report is as comprehensive and dignified as possible, in accordance with the new requirements and standards required by the KAA. The management of FE thanks all the stakeholders involved in this process for the maximum contribution and commitment in the drafting of this self-evaluation report.

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