
The staff of the Faculty of Economics benefits from a grant from HERAS+ for the financing of the project “Strengthening links between academic and professional development for students of the Faculty of Economics – UIBM”

In April of this year, a group of professors from the Faculty of Economics of UIBM applied to the open call from HERAS+ for financing the project “Strengthening links between academic and professional development for students of the Faculty of Economics – UIBM”.

After an evaluation process by HERAS+, the coordinator of this project, Prof.Ass.Dr Filloreta Kunoviku Demiri, has been informed that the project has been selected for funding from the Applied Science Small Grants Scheme of HERAS+.

The project aims to strengthen links between academic and professional development for students of the Faculty of Economics. The project idea is knowledge-based and it aims to increase the awareness of cooperation between HEI and representatives from the labor market. Furthermore, it aims to identify the needs of the labor market in order to include them in the curricula of our study programs.