Qa Fit

UIBM participates in the webinar organized by ENQA

The Quality Assurance Fit for the Future (QA-FIT) project consortium on September 10 organized the next webinar where they provided an overview of the main findings of the project and the next steps for the revision of standards and guidelines for quality assurance in the European Area of Higher Education (ESG).

This webinar from UIBM was attended by the vice rector for academic development and quality, members of the QASURE project team from our University, representatives of the quality office and academic staff.

The QA-FIT project aims to gather comprehensive evidence and reflect if and how the current EHEA framework of the ESG is perceived to limit the responsiveness of quality assurance to trends and innovations in higher education, and if and how there should be more room for development of alternative approaches to quality assurance.

More specifically, the project will:

  • conduct a comprehensive mapping exercise of the state of play of internal and external quality assurance in the EHEA;
  • take a critical look at the ESG and see how they have been adapted to different contexts;
  • explore how quality assurance activities are addressing recent and emerging developments in higher education including activities that go beyond the focus of the ESG and that use innovative approaches, and
  • gather perspectives on the future of quality assurance in the EHEA.