
The University of Mitrovica “Isa Boletini” is re-accredited for three years

The State Quality Council (SQC) has decided in the meeting held on June 25, 2020 for the institutional re-accreditation of the University of Mitrovica “Isa Boletini” (UMIB) for 3 years, according to the recommendations of international experts. According to the information published in the media, in this meeting, a decision was also made for the institutional re-accreditation of the University of Peja and Prizren.

The Rector of UMIB, Prof. Dr. Alush Musaj, said that they have not yet received an official notification from the SQC, but the media has learned about the decisions that have been taken regarding the re-accreditation of universities. On this occasion, he congratulated the students, the academic staff and the university administration. “I would like to thank all those who have contributed to meeting the criteria for re-accreditation, given that a great deal of work has been done.”

He praised the commitment and correctness of the Kosovo Accreditation Agency (KAA), which has organized the accreditation process in difficult circumstances created as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic. “The established standards are too high in terms of institutional accreditation, but also the correctness of the responsible institutions has been at the level,” he said.

Rector Musaj stressed that UMIB has created great facilities for young people who want to study on a modern campus. “There are 20 programs accredited at UMIB, where young people can orient themselves for their future. They are attractive programs that provide perspective and we welcome new students in the academic year 2020/21 “.

According to him, all preparations have been made for the new academic year, and as soon as the decision is officially accepted by the CSC, other commitments will continue. “This is good news not only for UMIB, but also for the region and the young people who want to study.”